Phoenix Women's Health Massage

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A Guide on How to Use Your Yoni Egg

To begin working with your yoni egg you are going to want to cleanse it physically and energetically. I recommend physically cleansing your egg with a diluted Castile soap. You can also keep your egg sanitized by gently placing it in water that has been brought to a boil and left to cool for a few minutes. DO NOT place your yoni egg in boiling water, this could cause it to crack.

You may want to add an herbal mixture like dried sage or lavender to the water for additional energetic cleansing. Let your egg soak for about 15 minutes. After this process, you can choose to sage or smudge your egg. Take this time to connect with your yoni egg, clearly set intentions, and open yourself up to receiving its healing energy.

When you are ready to begin working with your yoni egg internally, make sure you are in a relaxed state and have the time you need to fully experience this process. Breathwork or deep cleansing breaths are a great way to prepare the body.